Madhur Bhandarkar’s new movie ‘Dil To Baccha Hai Ji’ starring Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn and hot new comer Shazahn Padamsee, is expected to be released on January 26 and hopefully get some rave reviews for it’s star cast. Bhandarkar said that he chose Republic Day 2011 as the movie’s release date as he wants to gift the country of India with a nice romantic Bollywood movie to make the day special.
In a statement Bhandarkar said, “This is just a little token of love from my side to my fellow Indian on Republic Day. This is why we have decided to release ‘Dil…’ on Jan 26th now. I hope everyone has a bone-tickling R-Day.”
‘Dil To Baccha Hai Ji’ stars Ajay Devgn, Omi Vaidya, Emraan Hashmi, Shruti Hassan, Shazahn Padamsee and Shraddha Das, and the film has 22 year-old Padamsee who is “a happy, bubbly young girl who is child-like, very cute and innocent’ June Pinto, who romances the Golmaal actor.
The gorgeous daughter of Sharon Prabharkar and theater man Alyque Padamsee said in an interview, ‘The journey that he has taken in his career is so inspiring because he is not someone who says ‘I am an action guy’ or ‘I am the lover boy’, he is someone who does so many different roles. That, for someone new like me, is very inspiring and one feels to be like him.’
Shazahn made her debut appearance in the 2009 Bollywood movie “Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year” opposite Ranbir Kapoor.
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