Bollywood Garam: Despite an ugly break up in the past, Bollywood stars Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone have come down together again to do a film. The director of the movie ‘Wake Up Sid’, Ayan Mukherjee, has reportedly brought the two ex lovers together for his next venture.
Surprisingly, the director has decided to cast the two as a couple in the movie and wants them to have great chemistry. The film is yet to be titled and till then, the director is organizing personal meetings at his home so that the two become comfortable with each other before the shooting commences.
Moreover, Ranbir and Deepika too did not hesitate for the venture and have agreed to do so. Sources from the production unit have said that the two are now actually determined to do the movie and have decided to be good friends.
Mukherjee is making sure that the former lovers get more and more comfortable with each other before the shooting begins. The director is taking no chances because if the actors in the movie still hold the old grudges, then it will possibly be difficult to shoot for the romantic scenes of the movie. Earlier, actress Katrina Kaif was supposed to do the role opposite Ranbir Kapoor, which ultimately fell into Deepika’s lap.