Indian author Chetan Bhagat announced an engagement ceremony of the two lead actors from the upcoming movie ‘2 States’ on the social networking site Twitter. The announcement was actually an invitation for the trailer video launch which will be held at PVR Cinemas in Juhu on February 28, 2014.
Bhagat posted an invitation which looked like a real card and mentioned the names of the characters Krish Malhotra and Ananya Swaminathan, which will be played by Arjun Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. The venue has been mentioned as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and all over the web.
Bhagat wrote, “Hi guys. There’s an engagement in the family day after, Feb 28, 12 noon. Short notice, but hope you guys can make it”. Even Alia Bhatt posted in Twitter that she is getting engaged.
The event is to announce the movie which is based on the popular book written by Bhagat – ‘2 States’ – which is a story of a girl and a boy who belong to two different states and how they deal with their parents who are convincing them to get married. In the movie, Alia will be seen playing the role of a south Indian girl, while Kapoor will play a north Indian boy. The movie is produced by Karan Johar and will be released on April 18, 2014.