Salman Khan and Sohail Khan joined comedians Sunil Grover, Ali Asgar, Sugandha Mishra and others on the show Supernight with Tubelight on June 14, 2017. Salman Khan promoted his upcoming film Tubelight with all the comedians on the show. The Dabangg star instead of going on Kapil Sharma’s show, preferred to promote his film on rival Sunil Grover’s Sony TV show – Super Night.
A trailer of the episode has already been released by the channel on Twitter and gained a lot of interest from fans. The trailer shows Salman on a hospital bed while Dr. Gulati (Sunil Grover) enters with his nurse (Ali Asgar) to operate on the actor. Going by the pictures Salman and brother Sohail had a great time with the characters of the show.
The show on Sony will be aired on June 18, 2017 at 12 PM and 9 PM. Sony TV posted on Twitter, “Bhaarat ka sabse mashoor doctor karne jaa raha hai @BeingSalmanKhan ka operation in #SuperNightWithTubelight on 18th June at 12 PM and 9 PM.”
Sunil Grover has finally started off with his new show after he quit The Kapil Sharma Show earlier this year.
Bhaarat ka sabse mashoor doctor karne jaa raha hai @BeingSalmanKhan ka operation in #SuperNightWithTubelight on 18th June at 12 PM and 9 PM
— sonytv (@SonyTV) June 13, 2017
See exclusive photos from Supernight with Tubelight right here –
Photo Credits: Viral Bhayani