Varinder Singh Ghuman faces death during shoot of Roar – Tigers of the Sunderbans

Varunder Roar shoot

Professional body-builder Varinder Singh Ghuman faces death during shoot of Roar – Tigers of the Sunderbans.

Professional body-builder Varinder Singh Ghuman had a near death experience on the sets of ‘Roar – Tigers of the Sunderbans’.  During the shoot, he proved that along with a strong body, he also had a strong mind. While shooting for one of the scenes in the movie, Ghuman fell off a boat into waters that were infested with snakes and crocodiles.

Varinder Singh Body Builder Roar


The crew were caught off guard when Singh fell into the murky water, more so, since he did not know how to swim. Somehow, the body-builder managed to swim up and get back onto the boat.

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Singh is the world’s only vegetarian professional body-builder and has competed in the Mr. Olympia body-building contest.