The Brahmastra team, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor and Ayan Mukerji is currently shooting in Sofia, Bulgaria. Actress Mouni Roy too recently joined the cast for the shoot. While the cast and crew have been shooting in full swing, a picture was posted on Instagram which shows Alia, Ranbir and Ayan all smiles for the cameras.
So far several pictures from the sets have been circulated. The recent picture was shared by their trainer on his Instagram page. The trainer, while talking about the picture was all praises for the team and added that he was fortunate to be a part of Brahmastra. Another picture was shared by the trainer which showed him posing with Mouni Roy and Ayan.
The trainer captioned the image, “Pleasure meeting the powerful and driven @imouniroy Work revolves around body language, movement tweaks and gestural accuracy. Present and directing the ever graceful and my good friend director Ayan Mukerji. The #brahmastra magic continues… #brahmastra #mouniroy #ayanmukerji #bollywood #movementculture #idoportal”
Brahmastra is an upcoming trilogy which also stars Amitabh Bachchan and is directed by Ayan. Alia and Ranbir had earlier made trips to Tel Aviv with Ayan to train for the upcoming flick. The makers have been regularly sharing pictures of the preparations with the fans.
Photo Credits: Instagram