Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are the talk of the town in Bollywood after their intimate wedding at Lake Como in Italy. The couple returned to Mumbai and since then they are being followed by the paparazzi. Ranveer and Deepika are currently in Bengaluru where they are hosting a grand wedding reception for Deepika’s family members on November 21, 2018.
The newly-weds posed and smiled for the paparazzi and looked happy and elated. Deepika looked gorgeous in a gold sari by Sabyasachi and with a huge emerald choker and a pearl necklace. The Cocktail actress finished her look with her signature hairdo with a partition and a bun with jasmine flowers. The groom looked dapper in a black and golden sherwani by Sabyasachi and maintained his bearded look.
Ranveer and Deepika arrived in Bengaluru a day before the reception. The couple recently released several pictures from their wedding festivities in Italy. Deepika and Ranveer got married according to Konkani and Sikh traditions looked great as they performed all the rituals.
Photo Credits: Viral Bhayani and Instagram