Alia Bhatt and Pooja Bhatt had been shooting for the upcoming much awaited flick Sadak 2 in Ooty with father Mahesh Bhatt. The actors recently wrapped the first schedule of the film. Pooja took her Instagram account and shared an adorable picture with Alia and father Mahesh Bhatt.
Alia, while filming for the film penned a heartfelt note for her father as they started working on their first film together. The monochrome picture has shown Mahesh Bhatt sitting with his daughters Alia and Pooja by his side. Pooja and Alia can be seen resting their heads on their father’s shoulder while they are warmed up in winter clothes.
While shooting, Alia kept sharing pictures from the shoot schedule on social media while giving the fans a glimpse of the location. Initially, Alia’s mother Soni Razdan and sister Shaheen had also travelled with her to Ooty.
Sadak 2 is the sequel to the 1991 film that had originally starrer Sanjay Dutt and Pooja Bhatt. The sequel features Aditya Roy Kapur, Sanjay Dutt, Alia Bhatt and Pooja Bhatt. The film is directed by Mahesh Bhatt and will mark his return to filmmaking after he had directed the film Kartoos in 1999. Sadak 2 will be released on March 25, 2020.
Photo Credits: Viral Bhayani and Instagram