Mugdha Godse, Delnaz Irani attend launch of Fiona jewellery store

mugdha Bollywood actresses Mugdha Godse, Vidya Malvade and Delnaz Irani were on October 23, 2013 spotted at the Fiona jewellery store launch in Mumbai. The ‘Fashion’ actress was seen cutting the ribbon for the new store.


During the event, the actress said that jewellery is every female’s weakness and that her mother gave her gold jewellery as a gift many times. Mugdha went on to say that she always wears her diamond studs and as she is in Fiona, she has already started shopping for Diwali.

Mugdha shot to fame with the movie ‘Fashion’, which also stars Priyanka Chopra and Kangana Ranaut. ‘Fashion’ was a realistic movie which narrated the actual world of fashion.