Sushant Singh and Sara Ali Khan have been in news ever since their upcoming film Kedarnath has been announced. After completing the first schedule, preparations for the next schedule has begun. Sara and Sushant were snapped outside filmmaker Abhishek Kapoor’s office after a long discussion over the upcoming schedule.
Abhishek shared a selfie with Sara and Sushant on his Instagram account and wrote, “Great 2 have these 2 back in the office again.. they seem to electrify the place everytime they come in.. prep starts on 2 nd sched #kedarnath #kedarnaththemovie #jaibholenath #shambhoo #sushantsinghrajput #saraalikhan #init2winit.” Reports say that the film Kedarnath release has been delayed from June 2018 to the end of 2018.
The makers delayed the release as they are due to shoot for an important sequence from the flick. Kapoor has selected the plot related to the 2013 Uttakhand floods. The flood scene of the film will be shot in Mumbai. The makers have decided to recreate the town of Kedarnath in Mumbai.
Exclusive photos of Sara Ali Khan and Sushant Singh Rajput on their work schedule!
Photo Credits: Viral Bhayani and Instagram